HedoneDesign GoPlay theme

DESCRIPTION: PlayBook replica for your BlackBerry Smartphone device!

<div style="text-align: justify !important;">Based on the soon-to-be-superstar device, the BlackBerry Playbook, “GoPlay” is our nod of respect. Razor-sharp lines and clean, fluid movement is the key to making such a theme work well. You will notice the inherent complexity of everything available to you with the subtle movement of your trackball/trackpad. Elegant, graceful, swift and powerful. This is as close as it gets.</div>

Download OTA :
HedoneDesign GoPlay 85xx | 93xx
HedoneDesign GoPlay 90xx
HedoneDesign GoPlay 91xx
HedoneDesign GoPlay 95xx
HedoneDesign GoPlay 89xx | 96xx | 97xx
HedoneDesign GoPlay 98xx