How to make a wicker picnic basket?
How to make a wicker picnic basket? Making a wicker picnic basket can be a rewarding and creative project. Here's a basic guide on how to make a simple wicker picnic basket. Keep in mind that this is a general overview, and you may need to adapt the instructions based on your specific design and materials.
Materials you'll need:
  1. Willow or other flexible wood strips
  2. Wooden base
  3. Wood glue
  4. Clamps
  5. Saw
  6. Sandpaper
  7. Varnish or wood finish
  8. Leather straps or handles
  9. Wood stain (optional)
  10. Liner material (fabric or plastic)


  1. Design and Planning:
    • Decide on the size and shape of your picnic basket. Sketch out a design to serve as a guide.
    • Determine the dimensions of the base and the height of the sides.

  2. Prepare the Base:
    • Cut a wooden base according to the dimensions you've chosen. Sand the edges to smooth them.

  3. Prepare the Willow Strips:
    • Soak the willow strips in water for at least 24 hours. This makes them more flexible and easier to work with.
    • After soaking, remove the strips from the water and let them air dry for a short period.

  4. Weaving the Base:
    • Lay out the first layer of willow strips horizontally on the base, leaving some excess on each end.
    • Weave the first layer with the vertical strips, going over and under the horizontal strips.
    • Continue weaving additional layers until you reach the desired height for the sides of the basket.

  5. Securing the Weave:
    • Apply wood glue to the ends of the willow strips and press them onto the base.
    • Use clamps to hold the ends in place until the glue dries.

  6. Building the Sides:
    • Continue weaving the willow strips upward to create the sides of the basket. You can use a simple over-and-under pattern.
    • As you work, periodically apply wood glue to secure the strips in place.

  7. Finishing Touches:
    • Trim any excess willow strips once the sides are at the desired height.
    • Sand the entire basket to smooth out any rough edges.

  8. Adding Handles:
    • Attach leather straps or handles to the sides of the basket. Secure them with additional willow strips or by drilling and fastening.

  9. Finishing and Sealing:
    • Apply wood finish or varnish to protect and enhance the appearance of the basket.
    • If desired, you can also apply wood stain before sealing for a different color.

  10. Lining the Basket:
    • Cut and attach a liner inside the basket to prevent food and items from falling through the cracks.

Remember, this is a basic guide, and you can customize your picnic basket based on your preferences. Additionally, it may take some practice to master the weaving technique, so be patient and enjoy the process.