BBM đã chính thức công bố quan hệ đối tác mới với

Bukalapak, một trong những trang

thương mại

điện tử lớn nhất Đông Nam Á, để phát hành

BBM Shopping tại


BlackBerry giới thiệu hệ thống quản lý thanh toán BBM Checkout, trong đó, thông tin thanh toán và vận chuyển sau khi mua hàng được lưu trữ một cách an toàn.

Following the recent launch of BBM Vouchers, we proudly announce the addition of BBM Shopping to the Discover menu.

BBM Shopping is launched in partnership with Bukalapak, one of Southeast Asia's largest e-Commerce marketplaces. Now BBM users in Indonesia will have access to millions of products, and special offers in a streamlined, mobile-friendly shopping experience with secured payment all within BBM.

Bukalapak's customers can seamlessly link their existing online account to BBM Shopping.

First time users are only required to set up their account once, without the need to re-login for subsequent usage to make payments all within the BBM environment.

Powered by BBM Checkout

BBM Shopping, like BBM Voucher and BBM Pulsa/PLN, is also powered by BBM Checkout. Built into BBM, securely stores your payment credentials and shipping information after the first purchase. You'll never have to enter the information again! Just tap to pay, and BBM Checkout will use the information on file, thus making it a fast, easy, seamless and convenient way to pay for transactions on-the-go.

Discover BBM

We're transforming BBM from a tool enabling real-time chat between two people into a sophisticated mobile platform where brands can not only interact with consumers, but ultimately drive purchases. We're also decreasing the amount of time spent at checkout with a highly efficient checkout process, which will result in higher sales conversion rate for merchants who will then experience less shopping cart abandonment.

As part of our ongoing strategy to develop new features and services to provide convenience to our users, and value to our partners, we'll soon be expanding the ability for buyers to communicate through BBM Chat with sellers in BBM Shopping, creating an engaging user experience – so stay tuned!

In the meantime, happy BBM Shopping this Christmas season!
Đây mới chỉ là phần đầu tiên của BBM Shopping và nó đã được lên kế hoạch để mở rộng hơn nữa. Ngoài ra, BBM cũng có thông báo chính thức về dịch vụ BBM Travel sẽ được phát hành trong thời gian ngắn sắp tới.
Theo: CrackBerry

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