[imgl]https://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/servedimages/573110.png/?t=7[/imgl]BoxUpload by Digiflare
Version: 1.0
Release: May 03, 2012
File Size: 890 KB
Support: info@digiflare.com
Website: http://www.digiflare.com

Phần mềm upload file lên tài khoản Box.com. Cái hay của UD này là cho phép chọn nhiều file để upload.

This is a very simple and convenient app to allow you to upload media and other files from your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ to your Box account and share with friends and family. The best part about the app is that you can select as many files as you wish for a batch upload and the app will upload them all together. For large files, it is recommended that you plug the device in while uploading to prevent the uploads from getting interrupted. Enjoy!

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